1 Apr 2013

How to remove attribution powered by blogger

It can be removed by three methods.

Using edit HTML method

Step 1: Go to Template > Edit HTML > Proceed

Step 2: Search for attribution, We can find the following code.

 <b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'/>

Step 3: Delete or comment out the above code.

Sometime, this method will work. If it is not working use the following method.

Using Unlock method

For this method, up to step 2 everything is same. After searching and finding the above code, change the red coloured true to false.

 <b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'/>

So the code will be like this.

<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='false' title='' type='Attribution'/>

Now close Edit HTML. Go to Layout. Find widget named Attribution. Click edit. Click on the Remove button. Gone..

Removing Attribution

Hide using CSS Method

For this method, up to step 2 everything is same. Add following code inside your style sheet. i.e., above

tag. Search for this tag and add following just above it.

  #Attribution1 {display: none;}

Then save..

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