14 Sept 2012

Add Circular Background Design To Blogger Count Link


Step 1: Add CSS code to your Blogger template

Now go to your Blogger Design >> Edit HTML options and download the template for backup purpose. Then search for the following code by Ctrl + F:


Now simply paste the following code above it.

.comment-link {float: right;width: 58px;height: 38px;padding-top: 20px;text-align: center;font-size: 15px;font-weight: bold;background: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEil5pYa-OUIzu6Tsf1mFrEt0Q2BT-vi1dEjal9VGsif0cg5f0hRNR_f6nAP4fPdbay4wx2zxeyWSbju-UlvRkWlaV8wLVnQUifRSmw_tsnhGuf6HEYvumSHMwa5AxVJFuQ6DMqSlag6Ru8/s1600/comm.png) no-repeat scroll center;}
a.comment-link, a.comment-link:hover {color: #fff;}

Thats all. Finally click save template.

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